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A conservative force is one such that the work done by the force only depends on the initial and final positions of the object (i.e independent of the path taken by the object). Examples of conservative forces are gravity and spring force, where only the initial and final displacements are needed to calculate the work done by those forces. Examples of a non-conservative force are any type of drag forces (e.g friction, air resistance).
The diagram below illustrates different paths and the work done by a conservative forces vs. a non-conservative force.
If the force moving an object from point \(A\) to point \(B\) was conservative, the work done by that force in all paths is equal. If the force was non-conservative, the work done by that force is not equal, and it depends on the path length.
Work done by friction can be positive, zero, or negative.
Stick | Transition | Slip |
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Known Case
Unknown Case
Momentum is one of the most fundamental concepts in dynamical systems. It is often convenient to derive equations of motion using momentum. Furthermore, it is related to kinetic energy and Newton's second law. Conservation of momentum is one of the three conservation laws in dynamics alongside conservation of energy and mass.
Unlike energy, momentum is a vector, and its direction is the same as the direction of the velocity of the center of mass.
Furthermore, angular momentum is analogous to linear momentum. The angular momentum of a rigid body is shown below.
Momentum is also closely linked to force and moments. More specifically, the change in momentum and Newton's second law can be related.
As aforementioned, angular momentum is analogous to linear momentum, so the above equation can also be derived using moments and angular momentum.
From the above equations, it is clear to see that linear momentum is conserved if and only if the sum of external forces acting on the system is zero, and angular momentum is conserved if and only if the sum of external moments acting on the system is zero.
Interestingly, angular momentum is also related to linear momentum if the object is a point mass.
Impulse is a quantity that describes the effect of a resultant force acting over time. Naturally, impulse is related to momentum.
Note that impulse, like momentum, is a vector. Its direction is the same direction as the net force.
As seen from the equation above, this naturally leads to relating the impulse and momentum. Specifically, impulse is the change in momentum.
A collision is when two or more objects exert forces on each other in a relatively short time. These problems are usually solved using conservation of momentum and energy. There are two general types of collisions: elastic and inelastic collisions. They are categorized by the state of the kinetic energy before and after the collisions:
type of collision | definition |
elastic collisions | collisions where there is no loss in kinetic energy |
inelastic collisions | collisions where there are losses in kinetic energy, typically due to internal friction |
Typically in collisions, it is assumed it takes place on a frictionless surface. This is important, since if friction were to be present, the system is not isolated, and therefore momentum is not conserved.
The types of collisions that will be noted are perfectly inelastic and elastic collisions.
The steps involved in solving a perfectly elastic collision with conservation of momentum and energy are detailed as follows:
Below an animation to simulate a 1D perfectly elastic collision between two blocks.
The solution procedure to solve a perfectly inelastic collisions is simpler, as the objects stick together after an inelastic collision. It involves using conservation of momentum only, as kinetic energy is lost in the collision, as aforementioned.
Note the \( \vec{v}_f \) shown above is the velocity of the center of mass. It is the same before and after the collision due to conservation of momentum where the net external force is zero (and therefore, the acceleration of the center of mass).
Below is an animation to simulate a 1D perfectly inelastic collision between two blocks.
One way collisions can be classified into elastic and inelastic collisions is using what is called the coefficient of restitution. It is the ratio of the final to initial relative speeds between two objects after the collision. It can be a way to solve collisions that are not classified as perfectly inelastic or elastic, as well as collisions of more than two objects.
The range of values of the coefficient of restitution corresponds to different types of collisions. It is a dimensionless parameter, usually between 0 and 1. Those ranges are tabulated below.
range | type of collision |
\(e = 0\) | This corresponds to a perfectly inelastic collision. The velocity of both objects after the collision is the same |
\(0 < e < 1\) | This corresponds to an inelastic collision that happens in the real world, where some kinetic energy is lost |
\(e = 1\) | This corresponds to a perfectly elastic collision, where no kinetic energy is lost. |
\(e > 1\) | This corresponds to a superelastic collision, where energy is gained/released, like a chemical reaction, a reduction of rotational energy. |
Did you know?
Counting the number of collisions with two simple objects, such as blocks, billiard balls, can be used to estimate \(\pi\) to any accuracy. Mathematician Gregory Galperin of Eastern Illinois University discovered this in 1995 and published this in 2003. Famous YouTuber 3Blue1Brown made a video on this explaining this seemingly paradoxical result. However, looking at the velocity phase space, which is graphing the velocity of \(m_1\) on one axis, and the velocity of \(m_2\) on another. This arises from conservation of kinetic energy in elastic collisions.
Did you know?
There was a time when hitting the perfect shot in a game of billiards could result in the ball to explode. They were made from nitrocellulose, which is a plastic that is easily combustible, as an alternative to ivory. This corresponds to a coefficient of restitution greater than 1.